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Welcome to the Regulatory Reform Group

The Regulatory Reform Group (RRG) is a caucus of leading parliamentarians who have come

together to improve the UK’s regulatory system to drive better outcomes for consumers and

businesses alike.

Launch of the Regulatory Reform Group’s first report, The Purpose of Regulation

“Our regulatory system has the potential to unlock growth, investment, and innovation in the UK but the lack of clear, cross-cutting principles such as accountability, transparency, and proportionality means that this potential is not currently being fulfilled. The RRG is calling for a system-wide recalibration of our regulatory landscape to ensure that outcomes for consumers and businesses are put first.”


Bim Afolami MP, Former Chair of the RRG


“The focus of the regulators should always be on outcomes. We need to be smarter about how our regulatory regime can best benefit the economy, communities, households, and individuals across the country. This does not mean deregulation for the sake of deregulation. But it also does not mean avoiding doing the right thing because of a culture in which risk is seen as something to avoid, rather than manage.”


Tracy Blackwell, CEO of PIC and Chair of the Business Advisory Council

The RRG is supported by an independent Business Advisory Council, chaired by Tracy

Blackwell, CEO of PIC, which inputs data, insights and case studies. The group share its

expertise with policymakers from across the political spectrum.


WPI Strategy acts as the secretariat to the RRG, providing analytical, administrative and

communications support to the group. The parliamentarians have complete editorial

independence over all of its work.

Want to learn more? Get in touch

The Group’s secretariat is provided by WPI Strategy. We are keen to hear from a diverse range of stakeholders. If you would like to contribute, or have any questions, please email

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